
Scheduling Fee

$100 Data Collection Program

*** At this time, this service is ONLY offered within the limits of San Diego County ***

If you have a major incident out of county, please CONTACT US HERE.

Why do we offer this service? (click to open)

Here are the facts:

  • Roadway Evidence is the FOUNDATION of an collision reconstruction.
  • Evidence disappears quickly.  Once it is gone, it is gone forever and cannot be recovered.

When you notify your insurance company of an injury collision, or hire a personal injury attorney, it is NO LONGER COMMON PRACTICE for them to immediately send a professional collision reconstructionist out to preserve evidence of your collision.

Why has this happened?

It comes down to economics.  Your insurance company or personal injury attorney is not going to pay for evidence documentation until they need it.  They are businesses, and this is a business decision.

Both insurance companies and personal injury attorneys hire experts to reconstruct your collision, determine what happened and who was at fault.  The first thing these experts look for is evidence.

The thing is, by the time experts are hired, months or years have passed from the date of the collision.  By the time the evidence is needed, unless it has intentionally been preserved, it is gone forever and cannot be recovered.

Don’t the local police document that evidence?

No.  Law enforcement traffic collision reports are preliminary investigations for evaluating criminal violations and collecting statistical information for government agencies.  Law enforcement officials are not required to collect evidence on a level required for your insurance company or personal injury attorney to resolve the issue of financial responsibility.

We identified the following facts about evidence data collection:

  • Evidence data collected by one reconstructionist may be used by another.
  • Not all reconstructionists have access to the best available documenation technology and computer software.
  • If the evidence is needed, all private firms and government agencies have no problem purchasing data if it is reasonably priced.

We took action:

  • We identified 3D Laser Scanning as the best available technology for documenting evidence data.
  • This technology is too expensive for most collision reconstruction companies to purchase.
  • We purchased the technology and spent two years of extensive field research and testing.
  • We developed a solid workflow to collect and deliver data any person could easily use.
  • We founded CRASHSCAN.COM and established an online store for our data.
  • Evidence is so important, – We send a reconstructionist out now and defer payment until the data is needed.
  • We charge a $100 scheduling fee for this service.

What is our service? (click to open)

If you’ve been involved in a collision resulting in injuries (you or someone else):

  • For $100 now, we’ll schedule and send a collision reconstructionist to document your collision evidence.
    • You can pay us online, right now.
    • We’ll call or email you to confirm we’ve performed the documentation.
  • You inform your attorney or insurance company that we collected your data.
  • That’s it. You’re done.

At a later time, your attorney or insurance company can determine if they need the information and purchase our data.  Any expert designated by your attorney or insurance company can use our data.

Your name or any other identifying information is not listed on our website.  Your attorney or insurance company can easily locate your crash data by the date and location of your collision.


Let's get scheduled

We need a little bit of information to help our expert locate your collision location, or where to go.

    Your Name

    Your Email

    Your best phone contact number

    Date of your collision:

    Location of your collision:

    What would you like us to document?

    (roadway, your vehicle, photo injuries, other-please describe)

    Please tell us briefly about your crash:

    (I was driving north on Broadway and was rear-ended, etc.)

    If you have read and agree with the FULL TERMS OF OUR $100 DATA COLLECTION SERVICE, click the button below to go to our Web Payment Portal:

    Contact us

    We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

    Questions, issues or concerns? I'd love to help you!

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